The Nest

Crying After Sex: Is it Normal?

Have you ever cried during or after sex? If so, you may have wondered why you were crying. For some people, the reasons for crying after sex seem obvious, and others cant understand this phenomenon. You may even wonder, is it normal?”

Rest assured, theres absolutely nothing wrong with crying before, during, or after sex. Its perfectly normal, and youre not alone. Your body produces tears for a complex combination of reasons, including joy, laughter, relief, melancholy, sadness, and much more. Crying after sex can be driven by an emotional response; it can be purely physiological, or it can be a combination of the two.

So, now that we have established that crying after sex is perfectly normal, it’s time to understand the possible causes.

What are some of the reasons for crying after sex?

1. Purely physiological and biological in nature

Crying after sex doesnt always have to do with an emotional experience. Some people cry after sex for purely biological or physiological reasons. In the clinical sense, crying after sex is known as postcoital dysphoria (PCD) or postcoital tristesse (PCT). This is a condition that leads to sadness, irritability, or tearfulness after a sexual experience — and were talking about consensual sex here. Even if your sexual experience was satisfying, it could still lead to tearfulness. PCD can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation.

Studies have shown that 32% to 46% of all vulva-owners experience PCD, although that’s not a definitive figure. Studies have also found that 40% of all men experience crying after sex, and around 4% of all men say it happens regularly. PCD may happen because of hormonal changes and other physiological responses occurring because of sex. Some researchers also suggest that tears can be induced as a means of reducing tension after a period of excitement. In these situations, crying after sex doesn’t necessarily carry any emotional meaning.

2. Tears of joy after sex

Crying isn’t always driven by sadness — it can also happen because of happiness. You may have heard of the term “tears of joy” in reference to people crying during happy occasions, such as weddings. Well, tears of joy are also common (though perhaps less public) after sex! You may cry after sex if the experience was deeply pleasurable or if you maintained a strong emotional connection with your sexual partner. You may even cry after sex if you’ve had intercourse after a long period and the experience was beautiful.

3. Being overwhelmed by the sexual experience

You may cry after sex if youre overwhelmed by a particularly powerful sexual experience. This is particularly true for people who engage in role-playing scenarios, sexual fantasies, and kinks that enhance the tension and heighten the experience. If you go through numerous emotional sensations in a short period, such as swinging from joy to fear to ecstasy and back again, you may be left teary-eyed. In this particular case, crying after sex may simply indicate that the experience was exciting and thrilling (much like crying after a rollercoaster),

4. Sensations of pain and discomfort during sex

You may cry after sex if you experience pain and discomfort. Dyspareunia is a medical condition that leads to painful sexual intercourse because of numerous factors, such as the lack of lubrication, irritation of the genitals, urinary tract infection, eczema, vaginal muscle spasms, congenital abnormalities, or other problems. If you experience pain during sex, you should contact your medical doctor or gynecologist for an evaluation and treatment. But if you experience pain during sex because of restraints, bondage, or other sexual acts, you should discuss your boundaries with your partner.

5. Performance anxiety or an inability to orgasm

You may also cry after sex because of performance anxieties or an inability to orgasm. Most people view orgasm as an essential component of the sexual experience. But we should view orgasm as an added benefit and not a requisite to sex. If you struggle with orgasms or suffer from clitoral atrophy, you may feel confused and fearful about your sexual response, which can lead to tears. If youre struggling with clitoral atrophy or an inability to orgasm, you should discuss your concerns with a doctor or therapist.

6. Feelings of shame and guilt

We live in a world that’s founded on unhealthy expectations related to sexuality. Lots of people around the world have grown up being told to hide or conceal their sexuality. Traditionally prescribed avenues for sex have been fairly limited — sex has traditionally been deemed appropriate only within heterosexual marriages for the purposes of procreation. If you have grown up in a social surrounding that has made you feel abhorrent for your sexual desires, you may feel shame or guilt after sex, leading to tears.

You may also feel shame or guilt because of body image issues or because youre uncomfortable with sexual behavior. Its important to understand that all forms of consensual sex between adults are perfectly alright. Whether youre male, female, homosexual, heterosexual, or anything in between or outside those binaries, you should engage in sex without fear, shame, or guilt. Furthermore, whatever your sexual kinks, desires, or fantasies might be, theyre valid. If you need help, you can work through shame and guilt with a therapist.

7. Triggers for past trauma or abuse

If you’re a survivor of trauma, you may feel triggered during certain sexual experiences. You may feel triggered because of certain words, scenarios, movements, or positions that bring up memories of your trauma. This can make you feel vulnerable, leading to tears and crying after sex. But that’s perfectly alright — let it out. If you’re comfortable, you can also discuss the reason for your tears or triggers with your partner. But if it’s a persistent problem, you can consider taking a break from sex or talking to a therapist.

8. Crying after an orgasm, specifically, is another phenomenon that some people experience.

Orgasms can trigger an intense release of emotions and physical tension, leading to tears. This can be a profound and cathartic experience. The hormonal and biochemical changes that occur during and after orgasm, including the release of oxytocin and endorphins, can also contribute to crying. For some, this crying is a way for the body to process the overwhelming pleasure and emotional intensity of the orgasm. It’s important to embrace and understand this response rather than feel embarrassed or confused by it.

Besides the reasons stated above, you may also cry after sex because of anxiety, depression, confusion, excitement, and many other reasons. It’s important to be mindful of your body, your emotions, and your sensations. If you’re uncomfortable with the sex itself, it might be time to draw boundaries, but crying isn’t inherently bad.

About Author
Ellie Cooper
Ellie is a freelance writer and pleasure enthusiast. She is very comfortable talking about vaginas, scaling mountains and eating spicy food, but not parallel parking. She lives with a very tubby cat named Charles who likes to get involved with the writing process by sleeping on her keyboard.
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